Friday Fun - Five things to kick off your weekend | Northern Virginia Family Photographer

We encounter a crazy amount of information every day.  So I'm doing my part to add to it! :-) But seriously, my favorite way of finding new stuff is recommendations from friends. So every Friday I'll pass along my favorites from the week - things that inspire, uplift, educate, or just entertain. These are not affiliate links, so I'm not making any money - I'm just sharing things I enjoy.  Here are this week's favorites:

  1. Glacier Ghosts

    It’s almost Halloween, so it’s okay for a little macabre, right? I have a fascination with people who climb mountains. I’m afraid of heights and hate the cold, so you’ll never catch me attempting Everest, but I love reading about people who do. This article is actually about the Swiss Alps and what’s being revealed (hint: bodies are involved) as the glacier melts with climate change. Sad and fascinating.

  2. A reminder

    The very nature of documentary family photography is about celebrating the beauty of the everyday. But it’s easy to forget in the bustle of school, extracurricular activities, and the general goal of creating a memorable childhood for our children. This article is a simple reminder that you are enough. Even without, and perhaps in spite of, all those things, it really is the simple moments spent being completely present with our little ones that are most unforgettable.

  3. Hope

    My grandmother has suffered from Alzheimer’s disease for at least a decade and thoughts of the disease are not often far from my mind. NPR published an article this week featuring a brain scientist’s take on how to stay mentally fit. Much of it isn’t surprising (computer brain games aren’t really effective; instead you should focus on staying active and eat healthy), but I was intrigued by the impact of social engagement. Especially in middle age and as you get older, it’s greatly beneficial to the brain to be around other people.

  4. Permission

    Parenting is hard enough, but when you feel judged, it’s especially tough. All parents have to make choices about how best to parent their own kids. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is how different children are. Really different. What works for some, doesn’t for others. What works for most, doesn’t for some. It’s hard to take parenting tactics that go against the norm or against the way you yourself were parented. And especially in public, being judged or being in fear of being judged is almost ever present. At least for me. I love Laura Markham’s Peaceful Parenting strategy and often share my favorite resources here. This is one of them, written for parents of “spirited” children. And aren’t they all spirited at times?

  5. A deal

    If you’re a photographer, or aspiring to be one, check out the 5 Day Deal. It’s a once-a-year huge bundle of digital goods for photographers and videographers. Ebooks, courses, discounts, actions, presets, templates, etc. All for a fraction of the cost the items would be on their own. And a portion of every purchase goes to a charity of your choice (from their list). And it’s quality stuff, not cheap giveaways. My favorites this year are from Design Aglow and Kate Densmore. Enjoy!

Nicole Sanchez Photography works with busy parents in Northern Virginia, Washington, DC, and Maryland to create stress-free photo sessions that take all the loving, fun, and chaotic moments of family life to make beautiful photos and films that families will love looking at year after year.  Contact me today to start planning a custom photography experience that's perfect for your family.