What is Documentary Family Photography? | Northern Virginia Family Photographer

There's a lot of jargon to sort through when it comes to finding the right photographer for your family. Studio. Portraits. Posed. Unposed. Lifestyle. Candid. Natural. Authentic. Documentary. What does it all even mean? And does it matter? Not really, in my opinion. At least the words don't matter much. What really matters is that you find a photographer whose images make you think, "I want to see my family in those photographs." 

Mom cooking pancakes with children by Alexandria, VA Family Photographer Nicole Sanchez

For me, this happens when I see real moments captured in a beautiful way. I want to experience an emotional connection with the pictures. Whether that's the unbridled joy of childhood or the all-encompassing love of motherhood, I want to feel something when I see an image.  I get this emotional connection and experience from documentary style photography.

Candid family moment by Northern Virginia Lifestyle Photographer Nicole Sanchez
Father and daughter making pancakes by Northern Virginia Family Photographer Nicole Sanchez

I first experienced documentary style photography when searching for our wedding photographer in New Mexico. As soon as I saw the images from Kitty and Craig Fritz of Twin Lens Images, I knew I'd found something timeless and evocative. I knew I would look back on their photographs years from now and see not just the smiling faces of my husband and myself and our family, but a glimpse of who we were in that moment in time. These were photos I'd want my children and grandchildren to see decades from now and feel they could relate to.  These images hang in my hallway and living room and are in a digital frame in our kitchen that my son loves to watch. I often glance at an image and catch myself right back there on our wedding day, joyous in the love and support of family and friends, laughing at my husband having a blast dancing with the kids, or smiling to myself remembering the quiet moments waiting with my dad before the ceremony. 

These were unscripted, beautiful, and real moments and are so very treasured.  And when I later started taking pictures of our family for myself, this is the ideal I strove to achieve. Because memories of our days, even big ones like wedding days, are eventually paved over with new memories. And that's the beauty of photography, especially documentary photography.  We can preserve those moments and memories in time. 

Candid unposed family photo by Northern Virginia Photographer Nicole Sanchez
Candid moment of Dad comforting son by Northern Virginia Family Photographer Nicole Sanchez

I believe that every day matters. Not just wedding days, birth days, and birthdays. And not just every day, but the everyday. Our everyday matters. All the little things we do that make up our lives. To invoke the oft quoted Annie Dillard, "How we spend our days is of course how we spend our lives." 

It's easy to get caught up in the monotony of parenthood, which makes documenting it all the more important. Kids change so quickly. And so do we as adults and parents (though not so quickly ;-) ). What we're doing in the day to day is part of who we are and who we'll become. Documenting these moments in photographs is like journaling with images instead of words.

Kids playing on trampoline by Northern Virginia Family Photographer

So while the jargon isn't necessarily important, celebrating what really matters is. I see value in honoring the love and connection of family.  This is what I look for in making pictures and what brings the greatest joy when I share images like these with the families I work with.

Learn more about documentary family photography and get tips for documenting your family by signing up for my newsletter below.

Getting Dads in Front of the Camera

I've written a lot recently about the importance of us moms getting into pictures with our children.  It's equally important, of course, for dads to get in the frame too!  In our family, this happens all the time since I'm so enthusiastic about documenting our family life. But in many families, Dad may be the family photographer.  Or perhaps Dad just isn't comfortable being in front of the camera.  In honor of Father's Day, here are some of my favorite pictures of awesome Dads in the picture with their kids.

Father son connection | Northern Virginia Family Photographer

Regardless of who might be the primary family photographer, I think both moms and dads can see the value in parents being in pictures with their kids when they look back on photos like these that show the connection, love, and devotion that is so special between parents and children.  One great thing about documentary, candid photography is that it takes the formality and discomfort out of family photos.  When all you have to do is what you'd be doing anyway - enjoying time with your family - you tend to forget about the camera and beautiful real life moments happen.

Father daughter moment | Alexandria Virginia Family Photographer

Having such visual reminders of these ordinary, but special moments months and years from now when our children have grown and changed so much helps us remember a time and place that, while gone, is just as meaningful as it was when we were living it.  As Rose Kennedy said, "Life isn't a matter of milestones, but of moments."

It can be easy to underestimate how much the everyday matters, but when you have images that capture the love and connection of your family, you can easily remember the value of such time well spent.

Parent child love | Northern Virginia Lifestyle family photographer

I love documenting these moments for parents to look back on, but what makes my heart smile even more is thinking about the children having these moments documented to look back on. Moments they may have been too little to remember.  Moments that allow for glimpses into who they were from the very beginning. And glimpses into who their parents were when they were children and maybe too young to realize how special that time was.

Happy Father's Day to all the awesome Dad's out there young and old!

Candid family moment | Alexandria Virginia Lifestyle Photographer

Learn more about documentary photography sessions on my website or by signing up below for my newsletter.