Three Tips for Getting in the Picture with Your Family | Northern Virginia Documentary Family Photographer

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the importance of getting in the picture.  I got to put my advice into practice over Mother's Day weekend.  We were fortunate to spend it in my hometown with my own mom, as well as my Grandma, sister, aunt, and cousin.  I haven't spent a Mother's Day at home since I became a mom myself, so it was even more special to celebrate with the women in my family.

Get in the picture with your family, mother daughter portrait

I managed to get myself in the picture a few times throughout the weekend, so I wanted to share a few tips for any reluctant mamas (or daddies, or grandmas, or…):

1. Hand over the camera.   If you're the one that's usually holding the camera in your family, that's probably because it's generally you that finds a moment is worth documenting.  And even when you take pictures all the time, it can still be hard to remember that you should be in the picture from time to time too. 

My husband appreciates all the pictures I take for our family, but it doesn't always occur to him that I’m not in the picture when I’m taking them.  So when a moment isn't too hectic, I try remember to hand him the camera and ask him to document for a bit.  So don't be shy!  Hand the camera over to your partner, a family member, or friend.  My nephew took this second one of my son and me, so don’t be afraid to bring the kids in on the action too!

2. Use a tripod. Tripods are especially great for family portraits when you're trying to get everyone looking at once.  I prefer relaxed and candid pictures, but I appreciate the value of traditional portraits as well, especially when I can get in a rare picture with my mom, sister, and cousin like this. 

Tripods are also great for documenting an activity in a designated area.  Most often, when I haven’t planned for a shot, I just set the self-timer.  For these shots with my husband and son though, I used a remote shutter.  Although you have to be careful to hide the remote a bit (or set the response on a delay), the remote is great when you want a little more control over when the shutter clicks and don’t want to run back and forth to your camera. 

Get in the picture with your family

These are options are great for use with a tripod, but they can also work with any sturdy surface that’s handy, such as a table, bookshelf, or bench.

3. Embrace the selfie.  (And the animal print pajamas.)  I’m always heartened when I see parents share selfies with their kids.  Documenting a moment with your child is just another way of reinforcing how you value the time you spend together.  Kids love to see pictures of themselves and they love it even more when the picture includes someone they love.  It can be fun to get creative with selfies by choosing different angles, backgrounds, or fun editing that you can do right on your phone.  And there’s no planning necessary.  Just you, your kid, and a moment you want to remember.  Lately, I’m really enjoying documenting how loving my son is with his soon-to-be brother or sister. 

Lastly, a couple of parting tips to further motivate you. 

Try to forget about what you look like from time to time.  Your kids won’t notice or care.  They’ll just be happy to have a picture of themselves with you, especially years from now when this time is long past. 

On that note, especially for fellow photographers, let go of perfection.  The shots you end up with may not look exactly how you envisioned and they may not fit in with how you traditionally shoot.  That’s not what matters.  You can get those images when you choose and hire a photographer for a family session.  

What matters now, for these pictures, is that you’re in them.  And when you look back on these photos years from now (hopefully you’re printing at least some of them!), you and your family will be so happy to remember that you were there too!

Tips for Documenting the Long-term | Northern Virginia Family Lifestyle and Documentary Photographer

"We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence then is not an act but a habit." - Aristotle

I started my first 365 photography project two years ago.  I wanted to document our quickly growing son - the milestones and moments in between. My project expanded into telling a daily story of our family's life and interesting things we encountered along the way. Committing to taking and posting a photo a day for a year was intimidating, but now that I'm in my third year, I can't imagine not having these images from our life.

I now consider my 365 projects to be my personal form of daily journaling.  As much as I see value in writing down daily thoughts, photography as a medium comes more naturally and fits into my life more easily.  I naturally take pictures of things I find important or interesting, and when I do have an opportunity to write down snippets about our life, having these images evokes emotion and helps the words come more easily.  

Here are a few tips that keep me going when motivation is lacking or life gets busy:

1. Don't let rules get in the way of committing to a 365 (or any long-term) project.  Sure, the goal may be to take a photo a day, but the real objective is to create a body of work that represents a period in time. Missing a day or two here or there isn't going to prevent that big picture development.  Giving up because you're focused on perfection will.  The best part of a personal project is that you decide the rules yourself, so commit to what makes sense to you.

2. Find a supportive community.  There is a lot of support for 365 projects online - places to post, friendly feedback, and prompts for shooting ideas.  I also love participating in photography community challenges for inspiration, like National Geographic Your Shot and the CM Glimpse project. Facebook and Instagram are also full of groups for challenges, themes, and support from fellow photographers, no matter your skill-level.

3Celebrate your progress.  Whether you decide to post your project online or share on social media, having a place to see your work all in one place is wonderful motivation.  And there are bonus points for social sharing, if you enjoy receiving feedback and inspiration from others.  I use Flickr to keep all my 365 images in one place, but I also love Instagram and the variety of super-easy printing options for making quick prints. Which brings me to...

Print your images.  Having tangible evidence of your project is so gratifying.  I'll be sharing more about how I print and display my personal images in future posts, but I can't say how fun it is to see evidence of my work around my house and office.  I print a yearly compilation of my 365 images in a photo book and also make prints throughout the year for framing, displaying or sharing with family and friends.

If you're considering starting a 365 or other long-term personal project, I highly recommend it. And if you already have one, I'd love to hear about it and any tips you have!  Oh, and these are some of my favorites from April of my 365. :-)

Northern Virginia in home family documentary photographer