November 365 Faves | Northern Virginia Family Photographer

We had much to be thankful for this November. But with the impending cold, shorter days, and the end of maternity leave, there were more than a few days this month that left me less than inspired to take pictures. I spent lots of time snuggling my boys and relishing the relatively care-free days before heading back to work. Here are my favorite images from this month.

I hope you have many reasons to be thankful this season.  I'm looking forward what December brings and especially to creating new traditions with my family. This will be the first year we're not traveling to visit family outside Northern Virginia.  Although we'll be missing or other family, it will be fun celebrate our first Christmas at home together.

Check out my original 365 post to learn more about doing a 365 project of your own.  You can start any time you like, but lots of people like to start on January 1, so you've got perfect timing!  Also, sign up for my newsletter below to receive tips on documenting your family and encouragement to get those images printed!