How to survive the early days with a baby and a toddler | Northern Virginia Newborn Photographer

Choosing to have a second child (or third, or...) can be almost as anxiety inducing as having your first.  If your first baby was challenging (like mine!) you might be anticipating another era of lack of sleep, frequent feedings, and near constant snuggles with your little one. And if your toddler is like most, thinking about the needs of a newborn on top of the needs of an active 2- or 3- year old might send you into a tailspin.  Don't worry, it'll all work out! 


After bringing home three newborns of my own and talking with countless other moms of multiple children, I'm sharing a few tips to put your mind at ease when you're planning to bring a baby home to an older sibling. 

  1. Humans are amazingly adaptive.

    Life still happens and you'll miraculously go along with it. It may not be pretty sometimes, but try to enjoy the ride, or at least laugh at it, especially when there's poop involved. Figure out what works for your family and try not to worry what others may think. Case in point, we've been cosleeping and playing musical beds with our kids since I realized my oldest slept best (and so did the rest of us) right next to me. It's not for everyone, but it works for us.

  2. Accept help.

    I think this gets easier when you have a second kid and I know it's said frequently, but say yes to offers of help. Prepared meals. A toddler playdate. Extended family stays. Drop any notions of the way things have to be and let yourself be taken care of. People want to help. Tell them how. Let them grab your dry cleaning. And a Starbucks while they're at it. 

  3. Say no.

    It's okay to become a bit of a hermit, if that's what your family needs. You don't have to accept social invitations (and when baby is really young you probably want to avoid crowds and unnecessary germs). When you do make plans, make them with people who are supportive. Other parents of young ones are usually the best to commiserate and laugh with. 

  4. Let go of expectations.

    And let your standards slide, for at least a little bit (but maybe forever). Things can be hectic, especially while you're figuring out the new normal. But, as you already know, just when you think you have everything figured out, kids change. Try to flow with it and life will be more peaceful. There will usually be something that doesn't quite happen like you expected or hoped, but things generally work out. 

  5. Find a fellow mom to talk with.

    The first weeks after birth are a roller coaster. It can be emotional and isolating, even if you know what to expect. Find another Mama who can relate and be a sounding board. And if you don't have a Mama friend, reach out to me (seriously). We all need a fellow mom who we can keep it real with. 


Nicole Sanchez Photography works with busy parents in Northern Virginia, Washington, DC, and Maryland to create stress-free photo sessions that take all the loving, fun, and chaotic moments of family life to make beautiful photos and films that families will love looking at year after year.  Contact me today to start planning a custom photography experience that's perfect for your family.

The best photo sessions for toddlers | Northern Virginia Family Photographer

There's a wonderful time in babyhood when parents are everything. Just the sight of your face brings forth the sweetest smiles in the world. And the simplest gestures or games create the best giggles ever. Thankfully, though children develop interests outside their parents as they grow, this adoration phase lasts well into childhood. I think it makes parenthood just a tad bit easier.  It's also wonderful for capturing some of the best parts of family life. 

Toddler peeking in on mom in shower by Family Photographer Nicole Sanchez
Mom trying to brush toddler's teeth by Northern Virginia Family Photographer Nicole Sanchez

It's these moments that you want to soak up and savor the most. The ones you want to remember on bad days and reminisce about when your babies are teenagers and adults. This time is one of my favorite times to document for families.

Mom nursing toddler on couch at home by family photographer nicole sanchez
Mom holding baby at window by northern virginia family photographer nicole sanchez

I last saw this little guy when he was about 9 weeks old. And it was so sweet to see how much he's grown in the last year.  We had planned for some outdoor water play, but the weather was unseasonably cool for July in Northern Virginia, so we had some play time in the backyard and a visit to the park instead. Kids are flexible at this age and especially so when they're in the comforts of their own home.

mom and dad playing with toddler outside in northern virginia by nicole sanchez photography

Documentary sessions at home are one of the best ways to get great photos of toddlers.  They're most comfortable with you in your own environment and the session is scheduled around your usual routines (meals, nap times, bath time, etc.). I enjoy spending time chatting, playing, and getting to know my families during sessions allowing me to capture all the beauty, silliness, and, sometimes, chaos of real family life.

mom and dad playing basketball with toddler at northern virginia park by family photographer nicole sanchez

Nicole Sanchez Photography works with busy parents in Northern Virginia, Washington, DC, and Maryland to create stress-free photo sessions that take all the loving, fun, and chaotic moments of family life to make beautiful photos and films that families will love looking at year after year. Contact me today to start planning a custom photography experience that's perfect for your family.

A casual birthday celebration | Washington, DC Family Photographer

Photographing a quiet morning with your family may seem like an unusual was to celebrate your child's first birthday. Birthday parties are awesome, but if you're looking to highlight what's unique about this special time in your family life, a casual day at home is the secret to success. That exactly what this Washington, DC family chose to do to mark their sweet son's first birthday.

Parents putting pants on toddler boy in Washington, DC by Family Photographer Nicole Sanchez
Mom and Dad playing with Baby in Washington, DC kitchen by Family Photographer Nicole Sanchez

Birthday parties can be stressful for parents and children alike. Extra people, missed naps, and mixed up routines can be a challenge no matter how carefully you plan. Parties are full of fun moments that make for great photos, but a normal day at home means sharing and capturing what you love best about your family in this fleeting time, from morning naps and breakfast together, to Skyping with Grandma and tickle attacks.

Mom playing on bed with baby in Washington, DC by Family Photographer Nicole Sanchez
Parents playing with baby and smart phone by Washington, DC Family Photographer Nicole Sanchez

I loved this sweet family's routine of brushing their teeth together. This little guy may not always love brushing his teeth so much.  It's fun to see the things parents do (often over and over again) to entertain little ones and make life happen (like how it sometimes takes two people to put on a toddler's pants). It's those little things that are so easy to look past in the moment and forget as children move on to the next milestone or crazy behavior.

Baby brushing teeth with mom and dad by Washington, DC Family Photographer Nicole Sanchez
Family brushing teeth in Washington, DC by Nicole Sanchez Photography

I love photographing the chaos that big family celebrations bring, but there is something equally special about simply showing parents and children with each other. The love they share and the home they create together is what makes childhood memories and celebrating each year so sweet.

Contact me today to learn about planning a session that's perfect for the milestone you're celebrating.